Yakuza Kiwami 2

Remember, Kiwami….. means extreme. HOLY. SHIT. This game was fucking good, for the most part. Okay I’m not gonna do anything on the story in this post, just the game itself and my thoughts. And holy fuck was this game such a shocking refreshment after Kiwami and 0. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll get to both of those games in a bit, but the QoL changes from kiwami to kiwami 2 are so fucking amazing. Being able to freely go in buildings, being able to eat more then once off that back, the fact that combat doesn’t require loading screens or take ages to sift through. Those are honestly some of things I was holding onto for like 5 chapters haha. Combat was actually not terrible, but I did find it slightly…. well more then slightly, annoying at multiple times. For starters, no lock on is bull in this kind of game. Secondly the Heat actions felt way to random and inconsistent. But honestly, what I think was the worse bit, more so then the fact that the Amons appear in the collesium and are just as broken there as when you normally fight them, but Majima Construction. Holy. Shit. Does this game mode…. ugh I just don’t like it. It’s what’s stopped me right now from getting the 100% immediatly. It feels way to slow, the units don’t act with any common sense, there’s times when I’ll have three guys surrond one dude, and the one dude will just destroy my cargo as the three fighters just…. stand and watch and it’s just so annoying and boring. Atleast cabaret can be cheased and done really fast and I can do stuff for the most part of those 3 minutes. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t like the caberat still, it’s not as bad as some people’s takes imo, but it’s boring. But MajiCon feels soooooooooo much worse. It takes way longer, I have to pay attention, which sounds like a silly complaint, but it’s the most bare bones take on RTS ever that I’ve seen, and there’s nothing to do besides occasionally making sure your guys are actually fighting and not just standing there while you waist 10 minutes because they didn’t wanna fight…… anyways. I have a lot more thoughts and everything, but it’s late as I’m typing this up, and I am starting Yakuza 3, and boy am I not ready for the fact that I went from 0, Kiwami, Kiwami 2, 7, Ishin, Gaiden,,,,,, and now 3….. which is I think the oldest yakuza game if we don’t count 1 and 2 since they got Kiwami’d. It’s alreayd looking rough, BUT HOLY FUCK WHY IS THERE A SPECIFIC DUDE IN THE FUCKING OPENING CUT SCENE??????? WHATS GOING ON????????


Nonbinary Transfemme


Gods it’s weird right?