Hai and Welcome 2025!
HaiHai all! Been a hot minute since I’ve been around on here! To start, fall term got crazy! Midway through I had about 3 video editing assignments all back to back, then i had a pitch deck I had to make which was such an exciting and stressful thing!! I’ll make a separate post about those soon (I know I keep saying this, but I am also planning on cleaning stuff up in here!)
Then while all that was happening I accidently auditioned for 2 short films, and got a lead in one and a supporting role in the other and AHHHHHHH was NOT expecting!! That took up so much time during the filming days. While all that was going on I also was doing the good ol work thing! And how did I do you might be wondering?
WHAT THE ABSOLUTE HECKLES IS THIS????? How did I end up doing this???? Also I am sooo sadge MM120 was a P/NP class, but everything somehow ended up going super well this term. I hit burnout near the end, but I also managed ot make some friends, and even maybe start dating someone???????? They’re really cool and interesting, but I won’t talk about that right now or here haha. But yeah school went pretty well I’d say! I’ll add links to my videos I made for classes (they’re on my youtube right now). But yeah all in all fall term was a big success!!
But what else is there besides the end of fall term….. hmmm oh, shit, yeah 2024 ended didn’t it! Fuck that was such a year right??? I mean the election, the world finally starting to see how poorly palenstine has been treated, ukraine is still going on, multiple shootings and scare, for the wrodl amiright? But also, maybe on a perosnal note, one of the best in terms of outcomes in hindsight?
Got out of shelters and off the streets into my own place
Got into College
Made some friends both in and outside my normal go to zones
Got a tattoo and a piercing
Built a PC and have my first PC
Got a blog and website (idk it’s a win in my book haha)
Saw Green Day LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finsihed my first drawing book and drew so so so much
Tried new artstyles and mediums with water color and gouche
Read like 5 books!
Left abusers and found independence
Got two kick ass terms under my belt
And more if I wanna really think on it, but fuck thats a decent list so far, not to mention all the mental work I’ve gone through and healed.
All in All 2024 was a good year for me personally with some minor hiccups here and there.