It all Starts with a…
Little Nudge
Little Hope
Little Dream
Never throw away your art. Never. Even if it’s just a random doodle on some homework, or a napkin, or even something you did digitally. Keep your gifts, and never be afraid to show them off!
If You Can’t Believe in yourself yet, I’ll do it for the both of us <3
Little Spark
Little Practice
Little Love
…is all you need
So some context, yeah?
Despite getting my Graphic Design Degree in 2016, and despite doing theatre and choir for my entire schooling, and despite my senior year of HS being almost nothing but ceramics…. I was never encouraged to pursue or follow any of these crafts, and because of that, just didn’t.
Even the GD Degree was mainly gotten just to prove a point, but I don’t think I realized who exactly I was proving that point to, not until around 2020. That’s when I slowly started doing more and more art, and really following this and caring about things I was passionate about.
These little doodles, and the image itself really, is the start for me. The proper start.
From the start to my drawing adventure, to the series of events that led me here
So, thank you for choosing to spend some time with my journey, I hope you enjoy :3